YBIM representative, Sr. Khaidzir visited Asnaf Farah Aliyyah, whose husband and son were suffering from alternating illnesses
YBIM received sad news when it was informed that his daughter, Maryam, 21 years old had died due to the Lupus SLE disease she was dealing with.
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
When visited, Farah was not at home because a family member had died.
His son Ahmad, 17, who also suffered from the same illness as his late sister, was moved to welcome the arrival of the YBIM crew at his home offering financial assistance and some food supplies.
Hopefully with this donation, we can ease his burden in continuing his life.
For those of you who want to continue donating to charities like Adik Ahmad, please visit ybim.org.my/suaraasnaf